Friday 22 April 2011

J. Hud Clears Up Beyonce And Rihanna "Playboy" Fiasco

Jennifer Hudson has responded to reports that she slighted contemporaries Beyonce and Rihanna in an interview she gave for Britain's The Daily Mirror.

In the interview which surfaced today, J.Hud is alleged to have said in response to a question regarding posing for Playboy magazine. "I won't be taking my clothes off, no way at all. Beyonce and Rihanna can have that. I like to cover up more, I won't do Playboy".

Full story after the jump:

Jennifer then came under fire on Twitter for the alleged comments which she initially replied "Glad I Have Fans With Class" and then went on to tweet the following.

"I think yal know me better than that. I love both Beyonce and Rihanna, I hate when people try to be messy. B and Ri know me better than that 2".

Jennifer recently celebrated the success of her sophomore album "I Remember Me" when it reached #2 on the Billboard 200.

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